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Italy Report

Nature of OMFS
Maxillofacial (single degree medicine)
Timing of second degree (if any)
Length of specialty training
Number of OMFS specialists
Number of OMFS trainees
150 (30 PER YEAR)
Number of OMFS training rotations

Major (Hub) units
National Specialty Assoc.
(SICMF) Societa’ Italiana Di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale
Contact for specialty association
Medical Assoc (confirming status)

Section representative
Prof. Giorgio Iannetti
Board representative
Prof. Silvestre Galioto – Prof. Giorgio Iannetti (Observer)
Oral Surgery

Number of oral surgeons
In hospital practice: 50
In office practice: 500
Oral surgery training duration
3 years minimum (but most are 4 year programmes)

Update on national scene - Yes

Changes since last year
No significant changes, but some text added below
waiting for Dental Degree, reserved after medical degree and OMFS specialty. In 2018 no changes for Italy. We are working to obtain the Dental Degree after the Medical Degreee and the training in Maxillo-Facial Surgery in order to guarantee the free circulation in all EU Countries.

Useful resources and links