OMFS European Training Requirement (ETR) - now approved as of 23 October 2021
This important document has now been approved by the UEMS Advisory Board and UEMS Council. It therefore becomes an official document and is available for anyone to download from the UEMS website. As with all ETRs, this is a living document. The preparation for the next edition starts now. If you have ideas on how to approve it, please contact us using the contact form.
This is a link to our ETR as a PDF - 2021 OMFS European Training Requirement (ETR)
OMFS ETR is also available as a searchable webpage by
1) clicking the OMFS training option above and selected OMFS European Training Requirement
2) using this link.
Background to European Training Requirements
Back in 1994, the UEMS adopted its "Charter on Training of Medical Specialists" with an aim to outline the guiding principles for high level Medical Training.
Made up of six chapters, this Charter set the basis for the European approach in the field of Post Graduate Training. With five chapters being common to all specialties, this Charter provided a sixth chapter, known as “Chapter 6”, that each Specialist Section was to complete according to the specific needs of their discipline.
For the sake of transparency and coherence, the "Chapter 6" has been renamed as “Training Requirements for the Specialty of X”. This document aims to provide the basic Training Requirements for each specialty and should be regularly updated by UEMS Specialist Sections and European Boards to reflect scientific and medical progress.
2003 European Guidelines for training in OMFS
In 2003, two years before the Directive which defines mutual recognition in the EEA 2005/36 EU, the OMFS Section and Board of UEMS created and shared 2003 European Guidelines for Training in OMFS. These were also published in Rev. Stomatol. Chir. Maxillofac. 104, 186–189 (2003). W.K.Busch, Brussels, 10.03.02
OMFS Reference Book
This was the 2011 version our 'Chapter 6' - which defined our specialty within Europe. We are grateful to our predecessors who created this document which has provided the firm foundations on which our current ETR is built.
2011 OMFS Reference Book