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Sweden Report

Nature of OMFS
Single or dual degree
Length of specialty training
4-5 years
Number of  OMFS specialists
82 (16 with medical degree)
Number of OMFS trainees
Number of OMFS rotations
Major units
National specialty association
Swedish Society for Maxillofacial Surgery
Contact specialty association
Medical Association
The Swedish Society of Medicine
Section representative
Prof Lars Rasmusson
Board representative
Prof Lars Rasmusson

Update on national scene – No

Change since last year
In Sweden, where the specialty previously was built on dental degree only, we now see increasing numbers of trainees with dual degree. At some units, all ST´s are medically qualified.
A new 5-year curriculum for ST´s with dual degree has started and will be presented to the National Board of Health and Welfare.
Threats As been pointed out by others, the long training is a threat to the specialty and it is indeed a challenge to convince young colleagues to get both degrees. Another threat from a Swedish perspective is if our training program for ST with a medical degree is not accepted in other EU countries, since mobility will be difficult.