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UEMS News - OMFS ETR Approved, MJC in Head and Neck Surgery Created and OMFS delegates elected to Group II positions

After a very successful hybrid meeting of UEMS Advisory Board and Council for OMFS there are three elements of great... Read more

Big Day for OMFS at UEMS Hybrid Meeting of Advisory Board and Council

Three successful campaigns completed at UEMS. OMFS European Training Requirement (ETR) Approved by UEMS Advisory... Read more

OMFS ETR supported by UEMS Advisory Board but is not passed by UEMS Council

At the recent 'virtual' meeting of UEMS Advisory Board on April 23, the OMFS ETR received the 2/3 majority from the... Read more

The Coalition for Vaccination calls on healthcare professionals to get vaccinated against COVID-19

The Coalition for Vaccination has published a manifesto to encourage healthcare professionals to get vaccinated against... Read more