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OMFS Training

Red, Amber, Green (RAG) Rating of OMFS Training in Europe

The European OMFS Trainee Forum created quality indicators for OMFS training in Europe using a Delphi process. The results were published in the British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and are currently 'open access'.

Using the tables in this paper as templates, trainers who were delegates to the OMFS Section of UEMS were asked to rank their nation's training. The resulting tables of data are linked below as PDFs 

  • Table1 National framework of OMFS had 8 domains with an additional 2 for dual-degree OMFS nations
  • Table 2 Training programme/ rotation has 11 domains
  • Table3 Teaching/education programmes has 6 domains
  • Table4 Training placements/unit/timetable has 9 domains
  • Table5 Records of Training Progression/Logbooks has 4 domains
  • Table6 External assessment of the training has 6 domains.

Trainers and trainees are encouraged to review these tables and consider how to improved OMFS training in their nation, their programme and their unit.




OMFS Section of UEMS: In-Training Formative Assessment (OSUITA)

The OMFS Section of UEMS, with support from the European Association of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgeon (EACMFS), provides an online formative assessment aimed at someone preparing for a 'high-stakes' exam or who just want to test their knowledge.

Formative assessments are "for training" rather than "of training".  The questions are provided by the OMFS Section of UEMS (and participating trainees). There are 12 papers available, with a new paper being added every 6 months (if enough questions are submitted).

Details of the most recent opportunities to both complete and contribute to the assessments are available from this link  OMFS Section of UEMS In-Training Assessment (OSUITA) - don't worry about the year on the instructions being '2023' - the instructions remain the same.

All the 'In-Training-Assessments' have the same entry code of OMFSuems and are accesslble at - you just need to register your preferred e-mail address, add some personal information and your own password. 

Why not register today and give one a go! From time to time the In-Training-Assessments are taken off line to allow users to review their answers against the 'right answers'. This usually happens a few weeks before a 'high-stakes' exam like the UK's FRCS (OMFS) Part 1.

Finally, if you are interested in adding questions, please use the contact form to send your details.

For 3 years Medartis have sponsored this excellent resource for OMFS trainees. They continue their support through EACMFS.



European Pre-Specialist Assessment 2025

The aim of this assessment is to help OMFS trainees discover their 'unknown unknowns'. The 50 questions includes 5 questions from the MCQ element of the European Board exam in OMFS (EBOMFS).

There will be three opportunities to complete this assessment

  • Thursday, 4th September 2025, 8 pm – 9.30 pm Central European Time (aimed at EUROPE)
  • Saturday, 6th September 2025, 6 pm – 7.30 pm Central European Time (aimed at AMERICA)
  • Sunday, 7th September 2025, 10 am – 11.30 am Central European Time (aimed at ASIA/OCEANIA)

Registration for 2025 Assessment
Those who registered in 2022, 2023 or 2024 or have used the other in-training assessments just need to log-in to the exam website and click whichever of the 2025 exams that they wish to complete. New users first need to register their details on the same link and then register for the exam. A password will be sent prior to the exam.

Instructions for the 2025 Assessment are available on registration. Generic instructions can be downloaded from here.

Report of the 2024 Pre-Specialist Assessment can be downloaded from here
The 2024 questions were accessible immediately after the exam. They will also be available to those who have completed the assessment in the run-up to the 2025 sitting (when all the other in-training assessments are temporarily closed). The news item about this sitting is here.

Report of the 2023 Pre-Specialist Assessment can be downloaded from here
The 2023 questions were accessible immediately after the exam. They will also be available to those who have completed the assessment in the run-up to the 2025 sitting (when all the other in-training assessments are temporarily closed). The news item about this sitting is here.

Summary of 2022 Pre-specialist assessment.
On the evening of Sept 8th 2022 trainees from all around the world participated in this formative assessment. Of the 187 who registered, 142 were able to take part. Feedback from participants was very positive. The mean score was 69% and the national results from countries who had more than a handful of candidates are summarised here.

All the 2022 questions, with the answers, can be downloaded from here.

The OMFS Section would like to that EACMFS (and their supporter Medartis) for their collaboration in running this assessment.

News of the 2024 assessment will be publicised to members of EACMFS directly.


Add Questions to the OMFS In-Training Assessment Question Bank and Earn ECMCECs

Adding Questions to the Question Bank

Writing questions is a very good way of revising. There is a generic log-in for international trainees and another one for UK based trainees. Adding questions through these generic routes is anonymous, so you can’t be awarded any CME points.

If you contact the website and ask for your own log-in, you can received 1 ECMEC® for every 5 questions you add. is the adding questions website (it has a dot between OMFS and EXAM) whereas the assessment website does not

For UK Trainees please use
log-in     ukspecialtytrainees       (all lower case)
password    OMFSuems    (case sensitive)

For International OMFS Trainees please use
log-in     omfstraineesinternational       (all lower case)
password    OMFSuems    (case sensitive)

Please don’t change the e-mail address of these accounts!!!

General Advice for Adding Questions

What I want most are questions which point people to gaps in their knowledge and how to fill them. Not ‘tricksy’ questions, rather questions that EVERYONE should know.

Please remember

  1. Write questions which would test trainees of any level to help people to revise the ‘right’ topics/answers.
  2. Give a very clear title – this is used to select question for the exam
  3. Avoid ‘negative’ questions i.e. pick the wrong answer, which is not true, choose the least likely
  4. Focus on ‘important’ issues i.e. something that it is valuable to know rather than a ‘rare’ fact.
  5. List the options in alphabetical order – this avoids ‘order bias’.
  6. Include (in the comment box) a short rationale for your answer with a link to a free resource (open access paper or website). Only a sentence or two.

A good way to write four questions for the effort of 1 is to write four questions stems for the same 4 answers – if you do this write 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 etc in the title.

Why limit yourself to 5 questions!!! Register for your own account.

You can have as much CME as you want – fill your boots.


European Junior Doctors - EJD


The EDJ aims to promote the interests of Junior Doctors in the member states of the Council of Europe, exchange information, develop a common approach, and formulate common views on relevant topics such as the medical workforce, postgraduate medical education and working conditions; improve and develop relations between Junior Doctors in Europe; and protect and improve standards of healthcare in Europe.

Collaboration between the EJD and the UEMS has existed for several years in the form of formal and informal agreements that have benefited both institutions and, above all, the quality of medical training of European junior doctors. The EJD send Representatives to the UEMS Boards, Sections and Multidisciplinary Joint Committees (MJC) as the input of doctors in training in the matters of postgraduate medical training is considered of paramount importance for both institutions. They EJD representative shall also be invited to be part of the PGT visiting committees of their Boards, Sections and MJC.

OMFS has a specialty representative who joins OMFS Section and Board meetings. We encourage OMFS trainees to get involved with EDJ in their nation.

domfs map dec 2024